In regards to

Façade de l'usine MS Gregson
Production des produits MS Gregson

Our mission

MS Gregson's mission is to be an integrated company where the design, quality and engineering of our spraying products will always be a source of pride. With all stages of production under one roof, from idealization to shipping, the staff involved have unparalleled expertise.

Développements des produits agricoles, horticoles et de nettoyages MS Gregson

Our vision

MS Gregson's vision determines its goal, its business objective. Our vision is clear: To become a leader in North America in our 3 product lines for which innovation, development and marketing will be one. The quality of the products, their production chain and the service that accompanies it, but also the work environment of the staff, without whom nothing would be possible.

Our values


Towards our partners, our team and our mission, respect is essential. Between team members and vice versa, respect helps maintain a harmonious relationship on which exchanges can be built. Transparency and honesty are an integral part of respect and must be reflected in all of our communications and actions.

Production des produits MS Gregson

At MS Gregson, we move forward as a team. Teamwork is reflected in decisions and task execution. Team cohesion leads to trust among staff members, which is essential for achieving goals and ensuring the timeless quality of products and services.

Production des produits MS Gregson

At MS Gregson, we advocate initiative and autonomy. We believe that people within the organization are able to make the best decisions for the company by aligning with its mission and vision.


MS Gregson is an inclusive company. Inclusion does not only apply to gender, sexual orientation, religion or ethnicity, it also encompasses the ideas of the entire team and all opportunities to challenge ourselves to grow together.

Production des produits MS Gregson

Working at Ms Gregson is about pride and it is about the products, the team members and its history. With this pride, we produce quality equipment and are constantly evolving.

Our story

Production des produits MS Gregson

The company was born in 1986 under the name of MS sprayer with the aim of offering agricultural sprayers that stand out from the competition thanks to its high quality customizable products.

Agriculture et pulvérisation des champs
Production des produits MS Gregson

In 2006, Pulvériseur MS acquired the company Gregson of St-Hyacinthe, QC in order to seek the expertise of this company which also has a good reputation in its industry.

Subsequently, the company takes the name of MS Gregson and diversifies its offer with pressure washers as well as commercial and industrial products. Over time, MSG has kept its good reputation thanks to its high quality standards and its increased research and development.

Do you have questions or concerns?

Do not delay in contacting us! Our team is here to help you.